Auto Repair in Craig, CO

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Rocky Mountain Automotive, Inc. has been serving the Yampa Valley for over 40 years, offering a complete range of auto repair services to drivers. If you’re looking for an auto repair specialist in Craig, Yampa Valley, Hayden, Steamboat Springs, or Meeker, CO that can provide for your foreign or domestic vehicle, look no further! Some of the services we’re able to offer you include:

Auto RepairNo matter the make, model or year, know that our ASE-certified techs are able to provide you with unparalleled excellence in auto repair. We take pride in our workmanship and honor the integrity of our customers by never performing unnecessary work. Our goal is to earn your trust, and we show it through the superior work we do.

Diesel Repair Services

We specialize in diesel work of all types, including diesel engine repair and maintenance.
If you’re a diesel-loving driver, know that your vehicle is going to get top-notch service at our shop!

Oil Change Prices

Gas Engines: Oil Change–Dump and fill. $40.00 plus Oil and filter
Dsl Engines: Oil Change Dump and fill $75.00 plus Oil Plus Filter